Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Wall

The human mind is conditioned to the environment that it belongs to and for the same reason ever so often, people choose to not look beyond the cave that they are forced to live in. Social conditioning ensures that be it imperialist or consumerist policies of society/nations people are willing to live with it without even treading to look beyond it. In this painting, the wall with the window represents the mental block that conform people to such conditioning, and what is shown as the world outside is a representation of what life could be. Life could be as beautiful and joyous as a spring morning, if only we allow ourselves to look beyond all the norms that we force ourselves to live in. 
medium : acrylic on canvas

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Meeting with an Abode of Creativity

Last week I was so delighted to meet Mr. BALAN NAMBIAR: Painter, sculptor, enamellist, photographer and a research scholar , about his art , research and recent works . Over the years, he has done over 130 outdoor sculptures, mostly in metal, but some in stone and cement.Fourteen of his significant sculptures are in Delhi – including five at the National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA) , and another five sculptures at the Max Mueller Bhavan.

His work is a partial attempt to acknowledge the debt we owe to rural artists who have nurtured this art for centuries together. The characteristics of his paintings and sculptures are inherent in his enamels. Enamels permit the recreation of geometric forms like circles, hyperboloids and ellipsoids in bright colors.

Sculptures in Golden ratio

Growth of a Tree ( symmetric form to make rhythmic )


sri chakara

Mirror ( highest form of worship )

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Free xhtml/css templates for Web Design

Template World designers. introducing free tableless, W3C-compliant web design layouts These templates have been tested and proven compatible with all major browser environments and operating systems.

Here is the link to Download free xhtml/css templates

Monday, March 15, 2010


HTML5 and CSS3 are now able to be used in most modern browsers. You might be thinking to yourself why should I use such new technologies that don’t have complete cross browser compatibility? The answer to that is simple.

As with any job pushing your technical skills in your field will always help you to become a more well-rounded person. Sure HTML5 isn’t widely supported and is vastly changing, but taking the time to learn it and follow it’s changes will surely help you to be more prepared when the technology is finally ready.

Friday, February 19, 2010


CSS3 makes a designer’s work easier because they’re able to spend less time hacking their CSS and HTML code to work in IE and more time crafting their design. It is the future of web design and can be used today.

It will inspire you to spend more time making your designs exquisite in the rest of the browsers while serving up a working and perfectly accessible website for IE.

From the examples below, you’ll see that CSS3 will make cross-browser support easier to accomplish and help you get websites out the door faster, assuming you’ve accepted that websites do not have to look exactly the same in each browser. The actual use of CSS3 comes down to one word (and I’m pretty sure it’s not even a real word): Modernizr.